Wednesday, May 5, 2021

What Are the Best Colors to Paint a House?

You may be looking to refresh your home or maybe you've just finished renovations. 

It could even be the first time you're painting the walls of your new house. Whatever the situation, remember that a color says a lot about your home and can help improve its livability and even your mood.

Each year, new decorating trends emerge, which can sometimes seem completely contradictory. Above all, your decision should take precedence, and your goal should always be to feel as comfortable as possible in your home.

The space often determines the choice of colors. If the room you're going to paint is spacious and bright, you can dare to use darker shades like purples, oranges, or reds. These shades will not visually reduce the space. However, if the room to be painted has limited dimensions and little natural lighting, it's better to opt for lighter and neutral shades like white, stone, grays, or ochers. These shades will increase the feeling of spaciousness.

If you love darker shades despite having a small space, you can choose to paint only one wall or a detail like a pillar or column, and paint the rest of the walls in lighter shades. Another option at your disposal is to paint in neutral tones and add a touch of color with textiles or decorative elements.

Lighting is an important aspect of decoration. Light reflects and diverts color, constantly changing it throughout the day. The most accurate colors in a room are those found during daylight hours.

You will see how these same shades change as night falls and are illuminated by artificial light. In fact, even the changing seasons alter the natural lighting of a room.

So it's crucial to ensure that you are satisfied with a color regardless of the time of day.

  • White and beige: These shades offer multiple possibilities. In addition to providing a sense of spaciousness, they have a relaxing appeal that creates a discreet atmosphere. They are perfect for minimalist or Nordic-style designs. You can add a touch of color through furniture and textiles. Stick with white if you want to stay away from passing color trends that may tire you in the long run.
  • Yellow: A cheerful color, as it reminds us of sunlight. Whether light and airy or bold and bright, yellow also has the power to stimulate creativity and brings vitality to any room in the house. It pairs wonderfully with gray shades.
  • Green: Mimics nature and vegetation. In its softer forms, green is a relaxing shade that stimulates concentration and relaxation. If you decide to paint any part of your home green, you can combine different shades of green within the same space.
  • Blue: A color that conveys calm, serenity, and optimism, even in its boldest forms, it is considered beneficial for the mind and body. Blue shades work well in bathrooms, studies, and bedrooms. It is also an ideal color for small rooms.
  • Pink: In light and pale tones, it symbolizes love and is associated with kindness and generosity. You can use pink in living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms. However, keep in mind that this shade may reduce the sense of spaciousness.
  • Red: A bold shade that conveys confidence. When used in paint, the room appears cozy and exudes a certain opulence. Keep in mind that red can be intense and may bore you over time. If you use it, you can choose to paint some walls, combining the rest in another light shade or tone it down by using it as a baseboard.

Now you know the best colors to paint a house. You have plenty of options, so go for it!

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